Part 4: Data-driven model of battery with DMDc¶
In this notebook, we demonstrate how we can create data-driven models with Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) for a battery and use them in Collimator.
We utilise the same dataset as in the previous tutorial. We also resample the dataset at a frequency of 10Hz.
Data driven modelling by Dynamic Mode Decomposition with control (DMDc)¶
Here, our interest is to find a discrete-time battery model which takes $i[k]$ at a time-index $k$ and generates outputs $v_t[k]$ and the ampere-hours discharged $d[k]$. We know that the SoC ($s$) is related to the measurement of Ampere-hours discharged $d$ through the algebraic relation: $s = \frac{Q-d}{Q}$. Thus, for learning the model we work with direct measurement $d$ instead of $s$.
Considering $v_t[k]$ and $d[k]$ as the state variables and $i[k]$ as the control input, we seek an approximate model for the battery dynamics with DMDc of the following form
\begin{align} \begin{pmatrix} v_t[k+1] \\ d[k+1] \end{pmatrix} = A \begin{pmatrix} v_t[k] \\ d[k] \end{pmatrix} + B \left( i[k] \right), \tag{1} \end{align}
where $A$ is a $2\times 2$ matrix and $B$ is $1\times 1$ matrix.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
from jax import config
config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from import loadmat
train_file_name = "dataset_25deg/10-28-18_17.44 551_UDDS_25degC_LGHG2.mat"
val_file_name = "dataset_25deg/10-29-18_14.41 551_Mixed1_25degC_LGHG2.mat"
tain_data = loadmat(train_file_name)
val_data = loadmat(val_file_name)
Q = 3.0 # battery capacity is known to be 3Ah (LG HG2 cell)
def extract_features_from_matfile(filename, Q=3.0, dt=0.1):
data = loadmat(filename)
t = data["meas"][0][0][0]
vt = data["meas"][0][0][2]
curr = -data["meas"][0][0][3]
D = -data["meas"][0][0][4]
# Resample
T_end = t[-1, 0]
t_resampled = np.linspace(0.0, T_end, ceil(T_end / dt))
vt_resampled = np.interp(t_resampled, t[:, 0], vt[:, 0])
curr_resampled = np.interp(t_resampled, t[:, 0], curr[:, 0])
D_resampled = np.interp(t_resampled, t[:, 0], D[:, 0])
return (t_resampled, vt_resampled, curr_resampled, D_resampled)
t_train, vt_train, curr_train, d_train = extract_features_from_matfile(train_file_name)
t_val, vt_val, curr_val, d_val = extract_features_from_matfile(val_file_name)
We first write a function to compute the $A$ and the $B$ matrices in equation (1).
def compute_dmdc_matrices(X, X_prime, U):
Compute the system matrices A and B using Dynamic Mode Decomposition with control (DMDc).
This function estimates the discrete-time linear system dynamics matrices A and B for a system
described by the equation:
[ x[k+1] ] = A * [ x[k] ] + B * [ u[k] ]
where x[k] represents the state vector at time step k, u[k] represents the control input at
time step k, A is the state transition matrix, and B is the control input matrix.
The method uses Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to decompose the combined state and control
input data, and then solves a least-squares problem to estimate the A and B matrices.
X : numpy.ndarray
State matrix at time step k, of shape (n_states, n_samples). Each column represents the state
vector at a time step.
X_prime : numpy.ndarray
State matrix at time step k+1, of shape (n_states, n_samples). Each column represents the state
vector at the next time step corresponding to the columns in X.
U : numpy.ndarray
Control input matrix at time step k, of shape (n_controls, n_samples). Each column represents the
control input vector at a time step.
A_tilde : numpy.ndarray
The estimated state transition matrix A, of shape (n_states, n_states).
B_tilde : numpy.ndarray
The estimated control input matrix B, of shape (n_states, n_controls).
# Prepare the data matrices
X = state_data[:-1].T # State at time k
X_prime = state_data[1:].T # State at time k+1
U = control_data[:-1].T # Control input at time k
# Compute A and B matrices
A, B = compute_dmdc_matrices(X, X_prime, U)
print("A matrix:")
print("B matrix:")
# Perform SVD on the data matrix
Omega = np.vstack((X, U))
U_omega, Sigma_omega, V_omega = np.linalg.svd(Omega, full_matrices=False)
# Truncate to rank-r (optional, here we keep all components)
r = min(Sigma_omega.size, Omega.shape[0], Omega.shape[1])
U_omega_r = U_omega[:, :r]
Sigma_omega_r = np.diag(Sigma_omega[:r])
V_omega_r = V_omega[:r, :]
# Compute A and B
A_tilde = X_prime @ V_omega_r.T @ np.linalg.inv(Sigma_omega_r) @ U_omega_r[:X.shape[0], :].T
B_tilde = X_prime @ V_omega_r.T @ np.linalg.inv(Sigma_omega_r) @ U_omega_r[X.shape[0]:, :].T
return A_tilde, B_tilde
# Prepare the data matrices
state_names = ["$v_t$", "$d$"]
state_data = np.vstack([vt_train, d_train]) # all state data
control_data = curr_train.reshape((1, curr_train.size)) # all control data
X = state_data[:, :-1] # State at time k
X_prime = state_data[:, 1:] # State at time k+1
U = control_data[:, :-1] # Control input at time k
# Compute A and B matrices
Aest, Best = compute_dmdc_matrices(X, X_prime, U)
print("Estimated A and B matrices:")
print("A matrix:")
print("B matrix:")
Estimated A and B matrices: A matrix: [[1.00000680e+00 7.95046840e-06] [2.45928082e-08 9.99999984e-01]] B matrix: [[-7.42636033e-05] [ 2.76371923e-05]]
Note: one may also use dedicated libraries to achieve this, for example
. For example, with thepykoopman
package, the same matrices could be computed as follows:import pykoopman as pk state_data = np.vstack([vt_train, d_train]).T control_data = curr_train.reshape((curr_train.size, 1)) dmdc = pk.regression.DMDc(svd_rank=None) model = pk.Koopman(regressor=dmdc), u=control_data) Aest = model.ur @ model.A @ model.ur.T Best = model.ur @ model.B print("Estimated A and B matrices:") print(f"{Aest=}") print(f"{Best=}")
and the trained model can be simulated with
We can now simulate the model, initialising the model at the initial values of the state measurements, and see how its predictions compare with the experiment data. We write the following simulate_dmdc
function for this purporse.
def simulate_dmdc(A, B, initial_state, U):
Simulate the system dynamics using the estimated A and B matrices from DMDc.
Given an initial state and a sequence of control inputs, this function simulates the system
over time and returns the state trajectory.
A : numpy.ndarray
The estimated state transition matrix A, of shape (n_states, n_states).
B : numpy.ndarray
The estimated control input matrix B, of shape (n_states, n_controls).
initial_state : numpy.ndarray
The initial state vector, of shape (n_states,).
U : numpy.ndarray
Control input matrix, of shape (n_controls, n_samples). Each column represents the control
input vector at a time step.
X_sim : numpy.ndarray
The simulated state trajectory, of shape (n_states, n_samples+1). Each column represents the state
vector at a time step. The first column is the initial state.
# Assuming A and B are already computed, and initial_state and U are defined
initial_state = np.array([vt_train[0], d_train[0]])
X_sim = simulate_dmdc(A, B, initial_state, U)
print("Simulated state trajectory:")
n_states = initial_state.shape[0]
n_samples = U.shape[1]
# Initialize the state trajectory matrix
X_sim = np.zeros((n_states, n_samples + 1))
X_sim[:, 0] = initial_state
# Simulate the system dynamics
for k in range(n_samples):
X_sim[:, k + 1] = A @ X_sim[:, k] + B @ U[:, k]
return X_sim
initial_state = state_data[:, 0]
pred_state = simulate_dmdc(Aest, Best, initial_state, U)
lw = 0.5
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(state_names) + 1, 1, figsize=(11, 5))
axs[0].plot(t_train, control_data[0,:], label="discharge current: control", lw=lw)
for i, ax in enumerate(axs[1:]):
ax.plot(t_train, state_data[i, :], label=state_names[i] + ": exp", lw=lw)
ax.plot(t_train, pred_state[i, :], label=state_names[i] + ": DMDc", lw=lw)
fig.suptitle("Training with original state")
We can also compute aggregate error quantities as follows:
def compute_prediction_error(pred_state, state_data):
rms_err = []
for y, x in zip(pred_state, state_data):
rms_err.append(np.sqrt(np.average((y - x) ** 2)))
return rms_err
print("RMS: error:", compute_prediction_error(pred_state, state_data))
RMS: error: [0.6352260126484407, 0.0010199624501627948]
Augmenting the DMDc state¶
In the above results. we note that while the model predicts $d$ quite reliably, the predictions of $v_t$ have a very large error. To fix, this, one can augment the state vector with features that are functions of the state vector. By augmenting the state with additional features, we are already performing extended DMD. However, we will cover extended DMD in more detail in the next tutorial.
In this article, the authors suggest using additional features of $\phi_1 = 1/v_t^2$ and $\phi_2 = \exp (-\frac{1}{2 v_t^2})$. Let's try augmenting the state with these additional features and re-estimate the following DMDc system:
\begin{align} \begin{pmatrix} v_t[k+1] \\ d[k+1] \\ \phi_1[k+1] \\ \phi_2[k+1] \end{pmatrix} = A \begin{pmatrix} v_t[k] \\ d[k] \\ \phi_1[k] \\ \phi_2[k] \end{pmatrix} + B \left( i[k] \right), \end{align},
where $A\in \mathbb{R}^{4 \times 4}$ and $B\in \mathbb{R}^{1 \times 1}$.
Note that there are two ways to work with the above system once $A$ and $B$ have been estimated. In the first method, one can the initial values of $v_t[0]$ and $d_t[0]$ to compute the initial values of $\phi_1[0]$ and $\phi_2[0]$. Subsequently, we can let the state evolve with the above equations without any changes at each timestep. In the second method, at the end of each time-step, we can take the dynamics output $v_t[k+1]$ and $d[k+1]$ and recompute $\phi_1[k+1]$ and $\phi_2[k+1]$ from $v_t[k+1]$ and $d[k+1]$ based on our definitions of $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$. Thus, after every timestep, the evolved $\phi_1[k+1]$ and $\phi_2[k+1]$ are discarded and replaced with their new values based on evolved $v_t[k+1]$ and $d[k+1]$. In what follows, we demonstrate the first method. The second method is demonstrated in the next tutorial on extended DMDc.
# create augmented state
state_names = ["$v_t$", "$d$", "$\phi_1$", "$\phi_2$"]
f_phi1 = lambda x: 1 / x**2
f_phi2 = lambda x: np.exp(1.0 / 2 / x**2)
state_data = np.vstack([vt_train, d_train, f_phi1(vt_train), f_phi2(vt_train)])
control_data = curr_train.reshape((1, curr_train.size))
X = state_data[:, :-1] # State at time k
X_prime = state_data[:, 1:] # State at time k+1
U = control_data[:, :-1] # Control input at time k
# Compute A and B matrices
Aest, Best = compute_dmdc_matrices(X, X_prime, U)
print("Estimated A and B matrices:")
print("A matrix:")
print("B matrix:")
Estimated A and B matrices: A matrix: [[ 9.74288727e-01 -4.68933614e-03 -3.63239828e-01 1.24116965e-01] [ 2.05157949e-05 1.00000373e+00 2.89099113e-04 -9.88749870e-05] [ 1.03526993e-03 1.90127493e-04 1.01453464e+00 -4.99292652e-03] [ 5.37788563e-04 9.87835817e-05 7.54895958e-03 9.97406406e-01]] B matrix: [[-3.94937765e-04] [ 2.78929873e-05] [ 1.61247146e-05] [ 8.37949564e-06]]
initial_state = state_data[:, 0]
pred_state = simulate_dmdc(Aest, Best, initial_state, U)
print("RMS: error:", compute_prediction_error(pred_state, state_data))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(state_names) + 1, 1, figsize=(11, 7))
axs[0].plot(t_train, control_data[0,:], label="discharge current: control", lw=lw)
for i, ax in enumerate(axs[1:]):
ax.plot(t_train, state_data[i, :], label=state_names[i] + ": exp", lw=lw)
ax.plot(t_train, pred_state[i, :], label=state_names[i] + ": DMDc", lw=lw)
fig.suptitle("Training with augmented state")
RMS: error: [0.03951159841768982, 0.000426446050536057, 0.0026201386446963173, 0.0013785545009066852]