Part 5: Data-driven model of battery with eDMDc¶
While the previous data-driven model of the battery created with augmented states in DMDc provided good predictive capabilities, there is room for further improvement. Here we explore the extended DMDc method and demonstrate how to incoporate the trained model in Collimator.
We utilise the same dataset as in the previous tutorial. We also resample the dataset at a frequency of 10Hz.
Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition with control (eDMDc)¶
Unlike, the previous example where we had to invent relevant features to augment the state with, in eDMDc such features can be created by using known basis functions. For example, if our state is $\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^n$, a Gaussian basis function with center $\mathbf{c}\in \mathbb{R}^n$, can be of the form
$$ \phi(\mathbf{x, \mathbf{c}}) = \exp \left( - \frac{||\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{c}||^2} {2 \sigma^2} \right), $$
where the parameter $\sigma$ is related to the width of the Gaussian kernel.
By specifying the type and number of basis fucntions to use, one can create a rich basis. For example, using two basis functions of the above type, we would seek to find a dynamics model of the following form:
\begin{align} \begin{pmatrix} v_t[k+1] \\ d[k+1] \\ \phi_1[k+1] \\ \phi_2[k+1] \end{pmatrix} = A \begin{pmatrix} v_t[k] \\ d[k] \\ \phi_1[k] \\ \phi_2[k] \end{pmatrix} + B \left( i[k] \right), \end{align},
where $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$ are Gaussian kernels. The parameters of the basis functions, $\sigma$ and $\mathbf{c}$, can be provided by the user or estimated by the training algorithm. In what follows, $\sigma$ will be user provided, and the centers $\mathbf{c}$ will be uniformly distributed within the training data.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
from jax import config
config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from import loadmat
train_file_name = "dataset_25deg/10-28-18_17.44 551_UDDS_25degC_LGHG2.mat"
val_file_name = "dataset_25deg/10-29-18_14.41 551_Mixed1_25degC_LGHG2.mat"
tain_data = loadmat(train_file_name)
val_data = loadmat(val_file_name)
Q = 3.0 # battery capacity is known to be 3Ah (LG HG2 cell)
def extract_features_from_matfile(filename, Q=3.0, dt=0.1):
data = loadmat(filename)
t = data["meas"][0][0][0]
vt = data["meas"][0][0][2]
curr = -data["meas"][0][0][3]
D = -data["meas"][0][0][4]
# Resample
T_end = t[-1, 0]
t_resampled = np.linspace(0.0, T_end, ceil(T_end / dt))
vt_resampled = np.interp(t_resampled, t[:, 0], vt[:, 0])
curr_resampled = np.interp(t_resampled, t[:, 0], curr[:, 0])
D_resampled = np.interp(t_resampled, t[:, 0], D[:, 0])
return (t_resampled, vt_resampled, curr_resampled, D_resampled)
t_train, vt_train, curr_train, d_train = extract_features_from_matfile(train_file_name)
t_val, vt_val, curr_val, d_val = extract_features_from_matfile(val_file_name)
We can write a custom function to compute the centers and the augmented features with the Gaussian kernels.
def get_centers(x, n_centers):
Obtain uniformly distributed centers in the [min, max] range of
each input feature.
x (ndarray): shape (n_input_features, n_samples)
n_centers (int): number of uniformly distributed centres
centers (ndarray): shape (n_centers, n_input_features)
The uniformly distributed centers within the range of each input feature.
n_input_features, n_samples = x.shape
# Initialize the centers array
centers = np.zeros((n_centers, n_input_features))
for i in range(n_input_features):
# Get the minimum and maximum value of the current feature
min_val = np.min(x[i, :])
max_val = np.max(x[i, :])
# Generate uniformly spaced values within this range
centers[:, i] = np.linspace(min_val, max_val, n_centers)
return centers
def compute_augmented_features(x, centers, sigma=1.0/np.sqrt(2)):
Compute the Gaussian kernel features
x (ndarray): shape (n_input_features, n_samples)
centers (ndarray): shape (n_centers, n_input_features)
sigma (float):
Returns (ndarray):
Gaussian kernel features of shape (n_centers, n_samples)
assert x.shape[0] == centers.shape[1]
n_centers, n_input_features = centers.shape
n_samples = x.shape[1] if x.ndim == 2 else 1
output_features = np.zeros((n_centers, n_samples))
for idx, center in enumerate(centers):
r_squared = np.sum((x.T - center[np.newaxis, :]) ** 2, axis=1)
output_features[idx, :] = np.exp(-r_squared/(2.0*sigma**2))
return output_features if x.ndim==2 else output_features[:,0]
state_names = ["$v_t$", "$d$"]
state_data = np.vstack([vt_train, d_train])
control_data = curr_train.reshape((1, curr_train.size))
centers = get_centers(state_data, 10)
gaussian_features = compute_augmented_features(state_data, centers)
augmented_state_data = np.vstack([state_data, gaussian_features])
We use the compute_dmdc_matrices
from the previous notebook, and modify the simulate_dmdc
function to account for the kernel augmentation.
def compute_dmdc_matrices(X, X_prime, U):
# Perform SVD on the data matrix
Omega = np.vstack((X, U))
U_omega, Sigma_omega, V_omega = np.linalg.svd(Omega, full_matrices=False)
# Truncate to rank-r (optional, here we keep all components)
r = min(Sigma_omega.size, Omega.shape[0], Omega.shape[1])
U_omega_r = U_omega[:, :r]
Sigma_omega_r = np.diag(Sigma_omega[:r])
V_omega_r = V_omega[:r, :]
# Compute A and B
A_tilde = X_prime @ V_omega_r.T @ np.linalg.inv(Sigma_omega_r) @ U_omega_r[:X.shape[0], :].T
B_tilde = X_prime @ V_omega_r.T @ np.linalg.inv(Sigma_omega_r) @ U_omega_r[X.shape[0]:, :].T
return A_tilde, B_tilde
def simulate_edmdc(A, B, centers, initial_state, U):
n_states = initial_state.shape[0]
n_samples = U.shape[1]
# Initialize the state trajectory matrix
X_sim = np.zeros((n_states, n_samples + 1))
X_sim[:, 0] = initial_state
# Simulate the system dynamics
for k in range(n_samples):
X_aug = np.hstack([X_sim[:,k], compute_augmented_features(X_sim[:,k], centers)])
X_aug_propagated = A @ X_aug + B @ U[:, k]
X_sim[:, k + 1] = X_aug_propagated[:n_states]
return X_sim
X = augmented_state_data[:, :-1] # State at time k
X_prime = augmented_state_data[:, 1:] # State at time k+1
U = control_data[:, :-1] # Control input at time k
# Compute A and B matrices
Aest, Best = compute_dmdc_matrices(X, X_prime, U)
print("Estimated A and B matrices:")
print("A matrix:")
print("B matrix:")
Estimated A and B matrices: A matrix: [[ 9.98626613e-01 2.84853848e-03 3.10383607e+01 -1.25623801e+02 2.73918807e+02 -4.21866294e+02 5.05738381e+02 -4.89566868e+02 3.82880275e+02 -2.33438009e+02 1.00760366e+02 -2.34851014e+01] [ 1.16035381e-06 9.99997923e-01 -2.51368066e-02 1.01700403e-01 -2.21543300e-01 3.40672388e-01 -4.07517297e-01 3.93376972e-01 -3.06574326e-01 1.86118991e-01 -7.99260555e-02 1.85156275e-02] [ 3.80396758e-04 -6.65628080e-04 -6.69235797e+00 3.10352717e+01 -6.74233528e+01 1.03398499e+02 -1.23357681e+02 1.18771099e+02 -9.23397212e+01 5.59370102e+01 -2.39772507e+01 5.54678929e+00] [ 5.25596988e-04 -9.42004526e-04 -1.04217408e+01 4.31244065e+01 -9.16980900e+01 1.40927544e+02 -1.68513653e+02 1.62637348e+02 -1.26762261e+02 7.69912775e+01 -3.30924313e+01 7.67724315e+00] [ 5.86375100e-04 -1.09092374e-03 -1.16352468e+01 4.71290787e+01 -1.01827877e+02 1.58420133e+02 -1.89922453e+02 1.83800434e+02 -1.43666175e+02 8.75170342e+01 -3.77319420e+01 8.78129629e+00] [ 5.10683288e-04 -1.00827562e-03 -1.04342587e+01 4.23809953e+01 -9.27400768e+01 1.44325113e+02 -1.72391989e+02 1.67410065e+02 -1.31322577e+02 8.02921841e+01 -3.47473784e+01 8.11781401e+00] [ 3.07173525e-04 -6.75089056e-04 -6.79341574e+00 2.77268040e+01 -6.09797257e+01 9.47397568e+01 -1.13579784e+02 1.11898684e+02 -8.82846700e+01 5.42938587e+01 -2.36341268e+01 5.55389454e+00] [ 4.21931235e-05 -1.70202856e-04 -1.59592558e+00 6.69852547e+00 -1.51470272e+01 2.41939230e+01 -3.00748754e+01 3.11744063e+01 -2.44403972e+01 1.54162907e+01 -6.87521360e+00 1.65320706e+00] [-1.97513689e-04 3.60257723e-04 3.67424260e+00 -1.47065949e+01 3.17024059e+01 -4.82469038e+01 5.71295188e+01 -5.46070794e+01 4.31631981e+01 -2.53798222e+01 1.08183819e+01 -2.49136687e+00] [-3.44485088e-04 7.53384658e-04 7.43494642e+00 -3.00498995e+01 6.54459828e+01 -1.00694456e+02 1.20617868e+02 -1.16695693e+02 9.12408080e+01 -5.46337062e+01 2.40265577e+01 -5.60643975e+00] [-3.74522708e-04 8.97916331e-04 8.69067676e+00 -3.52417721e+01 7.70230187e+01 -1.18951332e+02 1.43053336e+02 -1.38978854e+02 1.09134016e+02 -6.68406586e+01 2.99978218e+01 -6.79774883e+00] [-3.11045423e-04 7.95495133e-04 7.57847175e+00 -3.07922159e+01 6.74396485e+01 -1.04386550e+02 1.25839972e+02 -1.22566927e+02 9.65025802e+01 -5.92674910e+01 2.57853811e+01 -5.06232622e+00]] B matrix: [[-2.63279547e-04] [ 2.77813141e-05] [ 5.78425008e-05] [ 8.29862528e-05] [ 9.70148125e-05] [ 8.96881016e-05] [ 5.88693187e-05] [ 1.26153272e-05] [-3.43004004e-05] [-6.68655887e-05] [-7.66786137e-05] [-6.58917726e-05]]
Note: With a package such as
, the training of the model could be achieved with:import pykoopman as pk state_data = np.vstack([vt_train, d_train]).T control_data = curr_train.reshape((curr_train.size, 1)) edmdc = pk.regression.EDMDc() kernel_width = 1.0 RBF = pk.observables.RadialBasisFunction( rbf_type="gauss", n_centers=10, centers=None, kernel_width=kernel_width, # kernel_width = 1/(2 sigma^2) include_state=True, ) model = pk.Koopman(observables=RBF, regressor=edmdc), u=control_data)
and the trained model could be simulated with
We can now simulate the model, initialising the model at the initial values of the state measurements, and see how its predictions compare with the experiment data.
initial_state = state_data[:, 0]
pred_state = simulate_edmdc(Aest, Best, centers, initial_state, control_data[:, :-1])
def compute_prediction_error(pred_state, state_data):
rms_err = []
for y, x in zip(pred_state, state_data):
rms_err.append(np.sqrt(np.average((y - x) ** 2)))
return rms_err
print("RMS: error:", compute_prediction_error(pred_state, state_data))
lw = 0.5
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(state_names) + 1, 1, figsize=(11, 7))
axs[0].plot(t_train, control_data[0, :], label="discharge current: control", lw=lw)
for i, ax in enumerate(axs[1:]):
ax.plot(t_train, state_data[i, :], label=state_names[i] + ": exp", lw=lw)
ax.plot(t_train, pred_state[i, :], label=state_names[i] + ": eDMDc", lw=lw)
fig.suptitle("Training with 10 augmented Gaussian kernels")
RMS: error: [0.031728019286469185, 0.00014166914677226513]
We can test the models performance on unseen data for validation
state_data = np.vstack([vt_val, d_val])
control_data = curr_val.reshape((1, curr_val.size))
initial_state = state_data[:, 0]
pred_state = simulate_edmdc(Aest, Best, centers, initial_state, control_data[:, :-1])
print("RMS: error:", compute_prediction_error(pred_state, state_data))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(state_names) + 1, 1, figsize=(11, 7))
axs[0].plot(t_val, control_data[0,:], label="discharge current: control", lw=lw)
for i, ax in enumerate(axs[1:]):
ax.plot(t_val, state_data[i,:], label=state_names[i] + ": exp", lw=lw)
ax.plot(t_val, pred_state[i,:], label=state_names[i] + ": DMDc", lw=lw)
RMS: error: [0.05174861678582251, 0.004241528812602336]