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Python 3.10 or later is required.

Installation steps

It is highly recommended to use a virtual environment to install pycollimator.

pip install pycollimator
  • On Windows: set JAX_ENABLE_X64=True.

Optional dependencies

More advanced features require additional dependencies that can be installed with:

pip install pycollimator[safe]

This will not include support for NMPC blocks.

Nonlinear MPC

Nonlinear MPC blocks require IPOPT to be preinstalled.

  • On Ubuntu: sudo apt install coinor-libipopt-dev.
  • On macOS: brew install ipopt and brew install cmake.

Install all optional dependencies with pip install pycollimator[all] or just the NMPC dependencies with pip install pycollimator[nmpc].

Licensed under AGPLv3 This `pycollimator` package is released and licensed under the AGPLv3 license.
Collimator, Inc reserves all rights to release under a different license at any time, as well as all rights to use the code in any way in their own commercial offerings. Contact us to obtain a commercial license. Head over to for contact information.